First United Methodist Church Nelsonville205 West Columbus Street
Nelsonville, Ohio 45764
Phone (740) 753-1939
Join us after worship on March 30 for our Fifth Sunday Potluck. We will be having a cook-out. Please bring a covered dish or dessert. There is a sign-up sheet in the Betty Johnson Welcome Center.
Spring Senior Luncheon
Let’s celebrate the coming of spring with a Senior Spring Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, April 2 at noon in the Ballard Fellowship Hall. Come join us for appetizers, devotions, lunch and more. What a great way to share in fellowship with friends as we begin this beautiful season and look forward to Holy Week and Easter!
Our Prayer Team invites you to submit your prayer concerns. Prayer needs will be kept anonymous or confidential unless you would like your prayer request shared verbally during worship. You can request prayer by calling the following team members or by calling the church office at 740-753-1939.
Dee Dee Loge (740) 707-5318
Nickole Tolliver (740) 409-2370